Virtual Reality
User Experience

Virtual Reality innovations from Munich.

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Virtual Reality
User Experience

Virtual Reality
from Munich.

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Innovative Virtual Reality Applications (UX) for Training, Development, Service, and Marketing

Explore how Virtual Reality expands horizons in education and business through innovative technology.

  • Realistic Training: Use VR for a safe and interactive learning experience. Simulate complex scenarios in a controlled virtual environment, allowing for cost-effective and risk-free training.
  • Efficient Product Development: Revolutionize your development processes with VR, by creating and testing prototypes virtually – save time and costs, and increase accuracy through immersive visualization.
  • Engaging VR Marketing: Transform your marketing strategies by fascinating customers with VR-based experiences and product presentations. Create impressive and memorable brand experiences that go beyond traditional approaches.

Our goal is to lead your business to the forefront of innovation with cutting-edge virtual reality solutions. Utilize the benefits of VR for realistic, safe, and cost-effective learning and development in your business.

Virtual Reality Experiences (UX) for Business Success

What is Virtual Reality (VR) UX?

Virtual Reality (VR) UX involves immersing into fully virtual worlds that create realistic and interactive experiences. By creating a completely digital environment, VR offers immersive experiences that transport users to an entirely different reality.

By developing applications for leading VR hardware like the Meta/Oculus Quest 3, Varjo Aero, HP Reverb G2, Sony PlayStation VR2, or the Pico 4, we enable companies to utilize Virtual Reality as an effective tool for training, sales, and operations. Our apps are customized to maximize the unique capabilities of these devices and provide users with immersive and impressive interactions.

Our goal is to create applications through an innovative Virtual Reality UX design strategy that enhance your work processes and support your business goals. Let’s push the boundaries of what’s possible together and drive your company’s digital transformation.

Why are Virtual Reality Applications Important for Businesses?

Virtual Reality revolutionizes corporate training through immersive and interactive learning experiences. This technology enables conveying complex procedures and concepts in a way that traditional training approaches cannot, thereby enhancing training effectiveness and safety.

In industry, VR applications provide a realistic representation and analysis of products and processes, leading to significant time and cost savings. This promotes innovation and accelerates the development of new solutions.

In marketing and sales, VR allows customers to experience products in a unique and unforgettable way, leading to stronger customer engagement and potential sales increases. By integrating VR into your business strategies, you can set new standards in customer service and product presentation.

Why is the Visoric Team the Right Partner for Virtual Reality?

The Visoric team in Munich has extensive experience in the conception, design, programming, and support of Virtual Reality applications. We understand the unique challenges of businesses and develop tailor-made VR solutions.

Our experts combine creative design with technical excellence to create VR applications that are not only technically up-to-date but also provide real added value to your business. We accompany you from the initial idea to implementation and beyond.

By choosing Visoric, you opt for a partner committed to quality, customer proximity, and clear communication. We ensure that your investment in Virtual Reality applications brings sustainable success to your business.

Transform your business presentations with innovative Virtual Reality (VR) solutions from Visoric. Dive into the future of customer experience. Let us realize your vision together.

VR UX: Successfully Creating New Opportunities with Innovation

Discover with Visoric GmbH how Virtual Reality (VR) offers revolutionary training and educational opportunities for your business.

  • Realistic Training Scenarios: Use VR to create cost-effective and risk-free training environments, especially in areas like firefighting and pilot training, where real training can be expensive and dangerous.
  • Interactive Learning Experiences: Increase the effectiveness and engagement of trainees through immersive VR experiences that vividly convey complex concepts and procedures.
  • Customized VR Training Programs: Our experts develop individually tailored VR applications that are precisely adapted to the specific needs and goals of your company.

With Visoric as your partner, you leverage the benefits of Virtual Reality to optimize your training and educational programs, increase safety, and simultaneously reduce costs. Start your journey into the innovative world of VR-based education now!

How to Reach Us!

Phone: +49 89 21552678

Contact Persons:
Ulrich Buckenlei (Creative Director)
Mobile +49 152 53532871

Nataliya Daniltseva (Project Manager)
Mobile + 49 176 72805705

Bayerstraße 13
D-80335 Munich

Questions About Virtual Reality UX?

Would you like to know more about how Virtual Reality can revolutionize your business processes and the specific benefits it offers for your requirements? Our team at Visoric GmbH is at your service. Contact us to discover the boundless possibilities of VR. We look forward to dialoguing with you!

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Where are Virtual Reality Applications (UX) Used in Business?


Virtual Reality UX in the Automotive Industry


  • Design and Prototyping: Virtual modeling and testing of vehicle designs in 3D, without creating physical prototypes.
  • Training: Use of Virtual Reality for training employees in handling new models and technologies.
  • Virtual Showrooms: Presentation of vehicles in various configurations and colors through VR applications.


  • Cost and Time Savings: Reduction in effort and costs in developing prototypes through virtual models.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers can virtually experience vehicles in different configurations, even if they are not physically present.
  • Effective Training: Realistic training environments for employees without the need for real vehicles or components.

Virtual Reality UX in Aerospace


  • Maintenance: Use of VR for detailed, interactive maintenance instructions applied directly to virtual aircraft parts or systems.
  • Remote Assistance: Experts can provide support from afar by giving detailed instructions in a VR environment.
  • Safety Training: Conducting safety training in a completely virtual, risk-free environment.


  • Increased Accuracy and Efficiency: VR provides maintenance personnel with precise and interactive instructions, leading to fewer errors and more efficient problem-solving.
  • Improved Training Quality: Realistic VR simulations of complex scenarios enhance understanding and retention of safety protocols.
  • Reduced Downtime: Effective maintenance processes and quick remote assistance via VR minimize aircraft downtime.

Virtual Reality UX in Industrial Manufacturing


  • Assembly Instructions: Providing interactive VR instructions that help workers make assembly processes more efficient.
  • Quality Control: Use of VR to improve quality inspection processes through visualized information and cues in the virtual workspace.
  • Layout Planning: Utilizing VR for visualizing and optimizing machine and facility layouts before physical implementation.


  • Increased Employee Efficiency: Accelerated training and reduction of errors through VR-based assistance at the workplace.
  • Quality Improvement: Enhanced product quality by integrating VR control mechanisms into the work process.
  • Optimized Space Utilization: More effective planning and testing of space concepts in VR, leading to better use of actual production areas.

Virtual Reality UX in Healthcare


  • Surgical Planning: Use of VR and 3D models for detailed preparation and visualization of surgeries.
  • Educational and Training Scenarios: Creation of interactive VR learning environments for medical personnel to refine skills and procedures.
  • Patient Consultation: Use of Virtual Reality to make complex medical matters clear and understandable to patients.


  • Improved Surgical Accuracy: VR visualizations assist surgeons in precise planning and execution of complex procedures.
  • Expanded Educational Opportunities: Realistic VR simulations allow medical staff to practice and learn in a safe environment.
  • More Effective Patient Communication: Virtual Reality makes medical information more tangible and easier to understand for patients.

Virtual Reality UX in Retail


  • Virtual Fittings: Customers can try on clothing and accessories in a VR environment without physically wearing them.
  • Product Demonstrations: Detailed and interactive VR product visualizations that enhance the traditional shopping experience.
  • In-Store Navigation: Use of Virtual Reality for wayfinding and product localization within large retail spaces.


  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Interactive and personalized VR shopping experiences strengthen customer engagement.
  • Reduction of Returns: Virtual fittings reduce the likelihood of incorrect purchases and associated returns.
  • Improved Product Findability: More efficient product discovery and a more pleasant shopping experience thanks to VR navigation.

Virtual Reality UX in Construction and Architecture


  • Planning Visualization: Use of interactive VR models for visualizing and assessing construction projects before building begins.
  • Error Checking: VR allows early identification of design and execution errors to avoid costly corrections.
  • Safety Training: Realistic VR simulation environments for safety training to minimize risks in construction.


  • Increased Planning Efficiency: VR enables better and faster coordination processes by collaboratively viewing and adjusting models in real-time.
  • Early Error Detection: Cost and time-saving detection of errors through VR before they become real-world problems.
  • More Effective Safety Training: Staff can be trained in VR for emergency situations in a controlled manner, reducing the risk of accidents.

Virtual Reality UX in Agriculture and Food Production


  • Plant Management: Use of VR dashboards for monitoring growth conditions and plant health.
  • Training for Machinery Operation: VR-based interactive instructions and simulations for efficient operation of agricultural equipment.
  • Food Processing: VR visualization of process chains in food production for training and quality control purposes.


  • Precision Agriculture: Increased crop yields and improved resource efficiency through accurate VR data analysis in real-time.
  • Optimization of Machine Utilization: VR training leads to fewer operating errors and increased lifespan of machines.
  • Improved Food Safety: Use of VR tools to ensure quality standards and traceability in food production.

Virtual Reality UX in Infrastructure and Energy Supply


  • Maintenance Processes: VR visualization of maintenance work on infrastructure facilities and energy plants.
  • Planning Visualization: Display and examination of future infrastructure projects in a VR environment.
  • Emergency Response Training: VR simulation of emergency scenarios for quick and effective responses in critical situations.


  • Increased Safety: More precise maintenance and faster risk identification through VR-based overlay information and guidance.
  • Better Decision Making: Realistic VR representations allow for a well-founded assessment of infrastructure projects.
  • Efficient Crisis Management: VR training prepares employees for handling emergencies, potentially reducing the impact of crises.

Virtual Reality UX in the Entertainment and Media Industry


  • Interactive Content: Development of VR games and experiences that immerse users in entirely virtual worlds.
  • Enhanced Live Events: Augmentation of concerts, sports events, and other live happenings with virtual, interactive elements.
  • Educational and Documentary Projects: Use of VR to create immersive learning and documentary experiences.


  • Expanded Experience: VR enables a new level of interactivity and immersion, enhancing user engagement and involvement.
  • New Business Models: Unlocking new revenue streams through innovative VR offerings and experiences.
  • Educational Potential: Improvement of learning methods through interactive and realistic VR representations of complex topics.

Virtual Reality UX in Education, Training, and Instruction


  • Interactive Learning: Use of Virtual Reality to create interactive and engaging learning experiences for students.
  • Simulations: Use of VR for realistic training scenarios in various industries such as medicine, flight schools, or the military.
  • Remote Training: Conducting training and courses in virtual classrooms, regardless of the location of the participants.


  • Improved Retention: VR facilitates learning through visual and practical experiences, leading to better retention.
  • Safety in Training: Risk-free practice in VR-simulated environments for dangerous or costly activities.
  • Accessibility: Enables education and training for people in remote areas or with limited mobility.

Advantages of Collaborating with Visoric for Virtual Reality (VR) Corporate Applications


  • Customized VR Concepts: We create tailor-made VR solutions specifically aligned with the needs and requirements of your business in various industries.
  • State-of-the-Art Design & Technology: Our experts use advanced VR technology to design interactive and immersive applications with utmost precision and user-friendliness.
  • Integration into Existing Systems: Our VR applications are developed to seamlessly fit into your current operational workflows and IT infrastructures.
  • Cross-Industry Expertise: Our broad experience brings a deep understanding of the specific challenges and opportunities across different sectors.
  • Complete Service from a Single Source: Visoric accompanies you from the conception to the final implementation of your VR application, ensuring that your vision is effectively realized.

Explore Selected Examples of Our Virtual Reality UX Projects

Our fascination and enthusiasm have been dedicated to the development of high-performance, exceptionally realistic, and pedagogically professional Virtual Reality (VR) User Experience solutions for more than 14 years. We are excited to enter new levels of interactive and immersive user experience with you. Let’s create something extraordinary together.

Project in the Field of Virtual Reality UX

Interactive 3D VR Experience Design and Programming for the News Magazine DER SPIEGEL: “The Deep Sea in Virtual Reality”

Project Description:

Visoric has realized a fascinating Virtual Reality (VR) project for the news magazine DER SPIEGEL. Titled “The Deep Sea in Virtual Reality,” this interactive 3D experience offered visitors of DMEXCO 2016 an immersive journey into the depths of the sea.

Immersive and Informative Experience:

Users are transported directly into the mysterious underwater world through this VR experience. The interactive design allows exploring the deep sea in an exciting and educational manner. Every detail, from the gentle floating of marine creatures to the distant sound of the sea, is designed to create a realistic and impressive experience.

Pioneering Role of DER SPIEGEL:

This project impressively shows how DER SPIEGEL as a media company uses Virtual Reality to convey complex information in an appealing and interactive way. It serves as a prime example of the innovative use of VR in the media industry.

Technological Innovation by VISORIC:

VISORIC not only designed the 3D visualization but also the entire user experience. The use of state-of-the-art VR technologies enables seamless and captivating interaction with the digital deep-sea world.

VR Simulation Environment Development for BMW AG

Project Details:

Visoric has developed a customized Virtual Reality (VR) platform for BMW AG, enabling the design and evaluation of windshield displays and Head-Mounted Units (HMUs) for vehicles in a VR environment.

Innovative Design Process:

This platform allows automotive manufacturers to create and adapt interactive display designs. By integrating real-time traffic data, the designs can be realistically simulated and optimized on VR headsets.

Benefits for BMW AG:

Incorporating the simulation results into BMW AG’s development processes accelerates and makes the implementation of new design concepts in vehicle production more efficient.

Efficiency and Cost Savings:

The use of the VR platform leads to a significant reduction in development times and costs. This accelerates the innovation cycle in the automotive sector and optimizes the introduction of new technologies.

Future-Oriented Technology:

Visoric’s VR platform sets new standards in the automotive industry and demonstrates the potential of Virtual Reality in vehicle development and design.

Digital Strategies for the Senckenberg Museum – Museum 4.0 –

Subproject M5: Explaining, Understanding, Participating in Research in Museums

As part of the “museum4punkt0” project call, Visoric is developing innovative VR/AR realization concepts for the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz.

a) Virtual Experience Worlds:

Interactive VR/AR applications immerse visitors in diverse habitats, from rainforests to geological scenarios.

b) Virtual Museum Insights:

These technologies enable virtual access to normally inaccessible collections, exploring the scientific significance of the objects.

c) Science Staged:

Virtual scientists explain research work using exhibition pieces, providing visitors with an in-depth understanding.

d) Citizen Science – App:

A planned app for identifying soil organisms will enable citizens to contribute to biodiversity research.

e) Citizen Science – Landscape Archiving:

Another concept involves the digitization of historical landscape photos for analysis and documentation of environmental changes.

XR Stager® VR and Mixed Reality Training Module for Pilots

Given the challenges in the aerospace industry, such as the delivery of numerous commercial aircraft and new defense solutions, Visoric GmbH brings the “XR Stager Airplane and Space Solution,” an innovative solution. This project aims to enhance efficiency, quality, and safety through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).

Technology in Focus:

The XR Stager solution harnesses the immense potential of VR and AR technology, from improvements in cabin construction to more efficient technical troubleshooting. Particularly in production, this technology supports operators with Mixed Reality use, enabled by advanced devices like the XR-4 series from Varjo.

Efficiency in Practice:

For complex or labor-intensive tasks, such as electrical and hydraulic installations, the XR Stager solution allows significant time and cost savings. This is achieved through the intuitive visualization of workflows and the ability to perform tasks hands-free.

Future of the Aerospace Industry:

The “XR Stager Airplane and Space Solution” demonstrates how VR and MR can revolutionize the aerospace industry. It offers not only in construction but also in the training and education of pilots and technicians new ways to increase efficiency and safety.

XR Stager® Fire Fighter Learning and Training Platform

The XR Stager® Fire Fighter Learning and Training Platform by Visoric is a VR and Mixed Reality cloud solution for training and further education in the firefighting field. The XR Stager® Fire Fighter Cloud enables training and education to be conducted independently of time and place, using state-of-the-art Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality technology.

Customizable Training Scenarios:

The learning and training platform allows the creation and integration of specific training scenarios to create realistic and adaptable practice conditions for firefighters. This way, various emergency situations can be simulated, which are difficult to replicate in the real world.

Powerful Server Infrastructure:

The XR Stager® Learning and Training Platform supports content maintenance, training module editing, and enables anonymized evaluation of user behavior. For control and flexibility in designing your successful training.

Advanced Training Analysis:

The XR Stager® Learning and Training Platform tracks the progress of users and integrates AI to assist trainers in developing new methods and educators in monitoring the learning progress of their students.

The Future of Firefighter Training:

The XR Stager® Fire Fighter Learning and Training Platform offers easy and convenient use of VR and MR technologies for professional education.

XR Stager® Machine Presentation and Training Platform

The XR Stager® Machine Presentation and Training Platform by Visoric offers an advanced solution aimed at making mechanical engineering more efficient, sustainable, and safe through the use of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality.

Enhanced Product Presentation and Training:

With the platform, mechanical engineering companies can represent their products in photorealistic, animated 3D models, enabling a more detailed and comprehensible presentation. At the same time, it facilitates training and education through interactive, virtual experiences.

Integration of Artificial Intelligence:

The XR Stager® platform uses Artificial Intelligence and the Visoric XR Expert Check to optimize the learning experience and provide users with customized training content.

Convenient Content Management and Flexibility:

Another core feature of the XR Stager® platform is the easy and convenient management of content. This flexibility allows customers to quickly respond to changes and efficiently update and adapt their training modules.

Overall, the XR Stager® Machine Presentation and Training Platform represents an important development in the field of digital transformation and offers companies in mechanical engineering valuable tools to improve their processes and make them future-proof.

How to GO NEXT.

We are your experienced partner for Virtual Reality UX applications.

  1. Consultation: We determine your specific needs in the area of Virtual Reality UX and develop customized concepts for an innovative user experience.
  2. Implementation: From the initial idea to the finished VR experience, we create applications that present your products or services in a new light.
  3. Support: Even after completion, we continue to support you and offer updates and assistance to ensure the relevance and attractiveness of your VR applications.

Find out how Virtual Reality UX applications can revolutionize the presentation of your company.

What you can expect from our Virtual Reality UX demo:

Real Application Examples: Discover how Virtual Reality UX applications can make your products and services come alive in fascinating and interactive scenarios.

Interactive Experience: Immerse yourself in the world of Virtual Reality and explore how this innovative technology can transform your marketing and customer interaction.

Customized Consultation: Our experts are ready to analyze your individual needs and propose personalized solutions in the field of Virtual Reality UX.

FAQ about Virtual Reality UX

What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that allows immersion into a computer-generated environment. Users can interact with and explore the environment while being completely immersed in the virtual world through VR headsets and controllers.

Can Visoric provide VR solutions for production?

Yes, we can provide VR solutions for production, such as for controlling production facilities or supporting maintenance and repair processes.

What kind of content can I create with VR?

There are no limits to the type of content that can be created with VR. It can range from interactive 3D models and simulations to 360-degree videos and virtual worlds. We work closely with our clients to develop content that best suits their needs.

What is the difference between VR and AR?

VR completely replaces the real environment with a computer-generated one, while AR overlays digital content onto the real environment. VR allows the user to fully immerse in the virtual world, whereas AR enables the enhancement and augmentation of reality.

Can Visoric also provide VR solutions to increase employee satisfaction?

Yes, we can provide VR solutions that help to increase employee satisfaction. For example, we can create VR training solutions that allow employees to practice in a safe and risk-free environment and improve their skills.

What is the VR Studio by Visoric?

The VR Studio by Visoric is a software solution that enables the creation and editing of VR applications. It provides tools for creating 3D models, animations, and interactive environments.

Can I publish VR applications from Visoric on multiple platforms?

Yes, Visoric's VR applications typically support all major platforms and devices, such as Oculus, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, Windows Mixed Reality, Magic Leap 2, and are compatible with the upcoming Apple Vision Pro and the XR-4 Series from Varjo.

Should you require equipment that is not natively supported, Visoric ensures the cost-free integration of your hardware when ordering a Visoric VR/XR experience.

Can I also publish my VR applications for mobile devices?

Yes, we can also publish VR applications for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This allows users to use the applications on the go and expands the reach of the applications.

What is the price for a VR solution from Visoric?

The price for a VR solution varies depending on the specific requirements and scope of the solution. We work closely with our clients to create an offer that meets their needs.

How can I get in touch with Visoric to learn more about VR solutions?

You can send us an email at or reach us by phone at +49 89 21552678. Our team is available to answer your questions and provide you with more information about our VR services. Alternatively, you can also fill out our contact form on our website and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

What are the benefits of VR for training and presentations?

VR allows training and presentations to be conducted in an interactive and captivating manner. Users can experience the content in a way that makes it easier for them to learn. VR also enables the creation of realistic and fictional environments that present the content in a way that captures the audience's attention and excites them.

Can I use my existing 3D models for use in VR?

es, Visoric's VR Studio supports the use of existing 3D models. You can import your 3D models and customize them for use in VR.

What hardware is required to use VR applications?

The required hardware depends on the type of VR application. Typically, a VR headset and VR controller are needed to use the applications

Can Visoric help me create VR solutions for marketing my products?

Yes, we have experience in creating VR solutions for product marketing. These solutions can include virtual showrooms or product demonstrations that allow customers to experience products in an interactive and realistic way.

What is the XR Stager Cloud Solution platform by Visoric?

The XR Stager Cloud Solution Platform by Visoric is a platform that allows the creation, management, and publication of VR and AR applications. It provides a simple and intuitive user interface that enables the quick and easy development and deployment of applications.

Can I equip my VR applications with analytics?

Yes, we offer the option to equip VR applications with analytics. This allows us to track and analyze the usage of the applications to optimize their performance and enhance the user experience.

Can Visoric also provide VR solutions for the architecture and real estate industry?

Yes, we can provide VR solutions for the architecture and real estate industry. These solutions enable the creation and presentation of virtual models of buildings and apartments. This allows clients to experience the buildings and apartments in a realistic way, giving them a better impression of the spaces.

What kind of support does Visoric provide after the release of a VR application?

We offer support in maintaining and further developing VR applications after their release. This includes fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and implementing new features.

How long does it take to develop a VR solution from Visoric?

The duration of developing a VR solution depends on the specific requirements and scope of the solution. We work closely with our clients to create a timeline for the development of the solution.

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