Las Vegas CES 2024: Strategizing New Dimensions with Audio, Video, XR, AI, and Metaverse.

Las Vegas CES 2024: Strategizing New Dimensions with Audio, Video, XR, AI, and Metaverse.


From January 9-12, 2024, the CES (originally an acronym for Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas offered a showcase for groundbreaking innovations in the fields of Audio, Video, XR, AI, and Metaverse. These technologies are at the heart of digital transformation and are shaping the future of industry and business. In this article, Ulrich Buckenlei, CEO of Visoric and experienced digitalization strategist, analyzes the key innovations of the fair and derives strategic recommendations for their application in industry.


CES 2024: The Stage of the Future

With 2.5 million square feet of exhibition space and over 250 conference sessions, CES 2024 is one of the world’s most significant and largest trade fairs for consumer electronics and digitalization technologies. This year’s event presented the entire spectrum of technological innovation, from AI to advanced mobility solutions.


Impressions from CES 2024 in Las Vegas (USA).

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Generative AI: The Forerunner of Change

One of the stars of the show was generative AI, which found application in various areas. From autonomous driving to home automation, CES showed how generative AI technologies can help revolutionize both our everyday life and complex industrial processes.

XR and VR in Industry: More than Just Virtual Realities

XR and VR demonstrated their potential beyond the entertainment industry. In the automotive industry and other sectors, applications were presented that ranged from product development to improving customer service, underscoring the versatility of these technologies.

Sustainability in Focus: Green Technologies and Innovations

Sustainability and ecological awareness were central themes of CES 2024. Companies like Samsung presented their initiatives for more environmentally friendly products and technologies, making it clear that the technology industry is increasingly placing value on ecological sustainability.


Impressions from CES 2024 in Las Vegas (USA).

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Revolution through Generative AI: Impact and Applications in Various Industries

Generative AI experienced a significant turning point at CES 2024. Companies like Siemens and NVIDIA were leading in showcasing this technology, which has the potential to fundamentally change the industrial landscape.


Siemens sets, in partnership with Sony, a milestone for an Industrial Metaverse

Siemens, in partnership with Sony, demonstrated at CES how their technology, especially in combination with Sony’s XR Head-Mounted Display, can revolutionize engineering work. They presented a solution that enables immersive engineering experiences to create the so-called “Industrial Metaverse.” This concept aims to create a virtual world almost indistinguishable from reality, where humans and AI collaborate in real-time to solve real challenges.


The Siemens booth at CES 2024 in Las Vegas (USA).

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


The version of Sony’s XR Head-Mounted Display presented by Siemens at CES 2024.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


NVIDIA: Generative AI at New Levels

NVIDIA unveiled a series of hardware and software innovations aimed at unleashing the full potential of generative AI on Windows 11 PCs. The new GeForce RTX 40 SUPER GPUs and associated technologies bring transformative AI capabilities to areas such as gaming and creativity​.

Autonomous Vehicles and Aerial Mobility: The Future of Transport

The developments showcased at CES 2024 illustrate how the automotive and transportation industry is transforming by utilizing innovative technologies and partnerships to shape the mobility of the future.


The Rise of Electric Vehicles and Air Taxis

CES 2024 showcased remarkable progress in the field of electric vehicles and air taxis. Hyundai presented its eVTOL air taxi, the S-A2, which is slated for a 2028 launch. This air taxi is part of an ambitious project developed in partnership with Uber Elevate and aims to establish a network of air taxis.


Mercedes presented at CES in Las Vegas The all-new electric G-Class.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Hyundai presented its eVTOL air taxi, the S-A2, at CES 2024.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas



Software-Defined Vehicles and AI Integration

The fair also demonstrated the growing trend towards “software-defined vehicles,” where vehicle functions are significantly enhanced through software upgrades rather than physical changes. This development shows how vehicles are increasingly shaped by generative AI and advanced software solutions​.


VW’s self-driving ID Buzz at CES 2024 in Las Vegas (USA).

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Technological Partnerships and Connected Vehicles

The fair underscored the importance of partnerships between technology companies and automakers. For example, Sony is working with Honda to develop mobility into a “creative space” where games and interactive content are integrated into vehicle technology. Volkswagen also announced the integration of ChatGPT into some of its new vehicles, highlighting the increasing merger of vehicle and information technology​.


Sensor technology with AI and 3D object recognition was presented at CES 2024 as an essential component of future vehicle generations.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas

Thus, innovative sensor technologies were in the spotlight at CES 2024, ranging from autonomous vehicles to wildfire detection. Notable innovations included new 3-axis accelerometers and advanced LiDAR platforms. These technologies signal a significant advance towards a future where environments seamlessly adapt to human needs, health monitoring is proactive and unobtrusive, and interactions with technology become more intuitive and immersive​

Furthermore, the Consumer Electronics Show 2024 marked a turning point in the development of vehicle technologies. Advances in sensor technology, combined with artificial intelligence (AI) and 3D object recognition, were highlighted as key elements for future vehicle generations.


LG’s sensor technology with AI and 3D object recognition software aims to make vehicles safer in the future.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Augmented Reality in Vehicles: BMW’s Pioneering Technology

BMW presented an impressive AR case at CES 2024 that could revolutionize the way drivers perceive information while driving. With a specially developed AR goggle, relevant driving data and navigation hints are displayed directly in the driver’s field of vision, enabling seamless integration of virtual and real worlds. This technology not only enhances safety through improved attention and orientation but also enriches the driving experience with interactive and informative content.


BMW presented its AR Ride Concept at CES 2024.

Photo: © BMW AG


AR and VR in Industry: New Horizons in the Automotive Sector and Beyond

CES 2024 showed how AR and VR technologies are revolutionizing not only the automotive sector but also many other industrial areas, offering exciting insights into the future applications of these technologies.


Magic Leap 2: Revolution in Extended Reality

Magic Leap 2, as one of the most advanced representatives of extended reality, was exclusively presented at CES 2024. This technology is distinguished by its state-of-the-art visualization and user interaction, particularly relevant for complex industrial applications like in the automotive sector.


The Mixed Reality headset Magic Leap 2, as one of the most advanced representatives of extended reality, was exclusively presented to selected partners like digitalization strategist and Visoric CEO Ulrich Buckenlei at CES 2024.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Panasonic VR Headsets for Vehicle Development

Panasonic demonstrated impressive innovations in the development of VR headsets, specifically tailored to the needs of the automotive industry. These devices offer new possibilities for design and development in the automotive sector, allowing engineers to experience prototypes and designs in a completely new way.


Panasonic introduces its professional VR headset at CES.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Extended Applications of XR and VR

Beyond the automotive industry, XR and VR are expanding their reach into other areas such as training, education, and remote work. CES 2024 showcased a variety of use cases, ranging from virtual work environments to training and educational simulations.


VR and AR Lens Technologies

The innovations in lens technology presented at CES are just a taste of how XR and VR will change human-machine interaction in the future. They offer unique opportunities to enhance efficiency and create immersive experiences across various industries.


All-in-one, All-Day, All-Around AR Optics enable lightweight AR smart glasses.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Sustainability and Green Technologies

Some highlights included innovative solar energy systems capable of generating more energy with more efficient solar cells, as well as electric vehicles with revolutionary battery systems for longer ranges and faster charging times. Particularly noteworthy were also the advances in electric air taxis, promising emission-free urban mobility and potentially ushering in a new era in urban transportation design.

Additionally, a smart home automation system designed for maximum energy efficiency attracted great attention. This system utilizes renewable energy sources and AI technology to optimize energy consumption and make the use of natural resources more efficient.


CES 2024 placed a strong focus on sustainability and green technologies, with numerous companies presenting their latest developments in this area.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas



Green Tech in Smart Homes and Cities:

Smart home solutions that integrate sustainability into everyday life were showcased, including energy management systems that help make home energy use more efficient.

Other notable innovations included advanced thermostat systems that optimize room climate using artificial intelligence, responding to weather forecasts and individual user preferences.

Also in the spotlight were smart lighting systems that not only reduce energy consumption but also improve the wellbeing of residents through customizable lighting scenarios. In addition, there were impressive developments in water-saving home technologies, which, through smart sensors and data analysis, minimize water consumption, thereby making a significant contribution to environmentally conscious living.


Green Tech in Smart Homes and Cities at CES in Las Vegas.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Advances in Sustainable Mobility and Renewable Energies:

Developments in the field of electromobility were presented, such as more efficient electric vehicle batteries and renewable energy solutions. These include indoor solar solutions and technologies for greener, more efficient vehicles.

Overall, CES 2024 shows that the technology industry is increasingly aware of its responsibility towards the environment and is actively seeking solutions to make its products and services more sustainable.


Various companies presented their modern approaches to more sustainable energy use and management at CES 2024.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Strategic Guide for Innovations in Audio, Video, XR, AI, and Metaverse in Industry:

The advanced technologies introduced at CES 2024 offer groundbreaking opportunities for the industry. In this chapter, we focus on how these innovations in Audio, Video, Extended Reality (XR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Metaverse can be strategically used to transform the industrial landscape. You will gain insight into eight strategic considerations derived directly from the latest trends and developments of CES.

We will take a detailed look at each area – Audio, Video, XR, AI, and Metaverse – and outline specific, applicable strategies that can optimize your business processes, enrich the customer experience, and open up new possibilities in digital interaction. From personalized audio experiences to intelligent video contextualization to immersive Metaverse platforms – each of these strategies offers practical solutions and innovative approaches to master the challenges and opportunities of the digital era.

Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive guide that captures the core topics of CES 2024 and translates them into concrete action plans for your business. Get ready to shape the future of technology in industry with these groundbreaking strategies.


Impressions from CES 2024 in Las Vegas.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Strategies for Personalized Audio Experiences through AI

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in audio systems offers new dimensions for personalized listening experiences. This strategy focuses on how AI can individually tailor the audio experience to provide users with an unparalleled experience.

  • User Profiling: Utilizing AI algorithms to analyze listening preferences and tailor the audio output according to individual tastes.
  • Environment-Aware Audio: AI-driven adaptation of audio settings based on environmental conditions such as noise levels and room acoustics.
  • Interactive Voice Assistants: Integration of AI-based voice assistants to control audio functions and provide personalized content.
  • Adaptive Soundtracks: Development of dynamic soundtracks for media content that adapt in real-time to users’ reactions and emotions.
  • Health-Oriented Audio Applications: Use of AI to promote auditory health, for example, through noise protection features and hearing support.


Impressions from CES 2024 in Las Vegas.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Intelligent Video Contextualization

Intelligent video contextualization uses Artificial Intelligence to automatically analyze and categorize content, thereby improving the user experience in digital media libraries.

  • Automated Content Analysis: AI algorithms identify and classify video content to improve accessibility.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Utilizes user data to provide individually tailored video recommendations.
  • Efficient Content Management: Enables the quick and precise organization of large media libraries.
  • Advanced Search Features: Allows users to search specifically for topics, genres, or scenes.
  • Content Moderation: Assists in identifying and filtering inappropriate content.


Impressions from CES 2024 in Las Vegas.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


XR Integration for Product Design and Prototyping

Extended Reality (XR) offers revolutionary possibilities in product design and prototyping by creating an interactive and realistic environment for designers and engineers.

  • Real-Time 3D Modeling: Enables the creation and adjustment of 3D models in a virtual environment.
  • Prototype Visualization: Provides the ability to virtually visualize and test prototypes.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Supports team collaboration in a shared virtual environment.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Reduces the need for physical prototypes and accelerates the design process.
  • Interactive Feedback: Allows for immediate feedback and iterative improvements in the development phase.


Impressions from CES 2024 in Las Vegas.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


AI-Supported Automation in Manufacturing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing manufacturing processes through automation, increased efficiency, and intelligent decision-making.

  • Process Optimization: Use of AI for the automation and optimization of manufacturing processes.
  • Intelligent Quality Control: Use of AI algorithms for precise monitoring and improvement of product quality.
  • Supply Chain Management: AI-supported analysis and optimization of the supply chain for more efficient logistics.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Predicting maintenance needs to minimize downtime and extend the lifespan of machines.
  • Personalized Production: Use of AI to customize products according to individual customer preferences.


Impressions from CES 2024 in Las Vegas.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


Metaverse Platforms for Brand Experiences

Metaverse platforms offer new ways to connect brands and customers in an immersive and interactive manner.

  • Immersive Brand Worlds: Creation of virtual spaces that make brand identity and values experiential.
  • Virtual Product Presentations: Innovative presentation of products in 3D to provide customers with a deeper understanding and experience.
  • Digital Events and Fairs: Organization of virtual events that overcome spatial barriers.
  • Customer Engagement: Strengthening customer engagement through interactive experiences and community-building activities.
  • New Sales Channels: Opening up new revenue opportunities through digital platforms.


Impressions from CES 2024 in Las Vegas.

Photo: © Ulrich Buckenlei, CES 2024, Las Vegas


The strategies for Audio, Video, XR, AI, and Metaverse presented in this article reflect the latest developments and innovations showcased at CES 2024 in Las Vegas.

At Visoric, we are always striving to be at the forefront of these developments and support you in implementing these innovative technologies. We look forward to your feedback and are happy to provide personal consultation for any questions. Our website offers a contact form and the contact details of our representatives, so you can easily and directly get in touch with us.


We look forward to your feedback and are happy to provide personal consultation for any questions.


Contact Persons:
Ulrich Buckenlei (Creative Director)
Mobile: +49 152 53532871

Nataliya Daniltseva (Project Manager)
Mobile: + 49 176 72805705

Bayerstraße 13
D-80335 Munich

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